In-Home Support Services

Our Group Home Services

We provide skill-building and support services to individuals with intellectual disabilities and or developmental disabilities living independently or with their families. We support individuals to meet their personal care, dietary, behavioral, and daily living needs.

In-Home Support Services

In-Home Support Services

This is a person-centered service tailored to support the individual to build independence and to promote community involvement.This service does not provide 24-hour supervision or care and Individuals do not need to be 18 years or older in order to be eligible for this service.

Important Things to Know
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Operating Hours

  • Monday-Friday 8.00 – 17.00
  • Saturday 8.00 – 16.00
  • Sunday 8.00 – 13.00
Emergency Case
We offer around-the-clock care. If you need us day or night, you’ll always be able to reach us 24 hours a day, and we respond in a timely manner.
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